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Becoming a Patient

How to get a marijuana card Florida | Become a medical marijuana card-holder | Marijuana Florida|

Note that these policies and procedures are tentative until the final Florida statutes are formulated by the State Legislature and Health Dept in 2017 and are subject to change at any time. .

We require that all of our patients have at least one other current florida licensed medcal physician who is taking care of their medical condition(s). That physician must provide current medical records that document the existence of one of the qualifying conditions for which medical marijuana is authorized in the State of Florida.

Our doctors consult with patients solely about their qualification for medicinal cannabis, and cannot act as a patient’s primary physician. We do not provide any other medical treatment or care other than the determination about the need and qualification for medical marijuana. We do not accept any medical insurance and all patients must pay in full prior to their visit with the doctor(s).

Out of State Patients: patients who do not live in the state of Florida cannot obtain a medical marijuana card from our facility.  We only treat Florida residents and all patients must provide proof of residency, such as a Florida Drivers license.

Becoming a patient :
Step 1
Obtain your medical records (chart notes) from your physician’s office/doctor’s office or clinic. We will need a minimum of 3 recent office visits that can be up to three years old. The medical records must pertain to your qualifying conditions.

  • Contact your doctor’s office directly and request your medical records, pertaining to your qualifying conditions be faxed to our office or
  • Download our Medical Release Form available in our Forms page, fill out our release form and give it to your doctor or clinic and have them fax or mail your records to us.

Mail us your records to: to be determined OR   FAX us your records to:  1-703-542-4281 Once we’ve received your medical records, they will be reviewed and you will be contacted. If there is enough information and you meet the state’s qualifying criteria we will set up an appointment, if we need additional information or more medical records, we will advise you at that time. If you don’t hear from us in a few days please feel free to give us a call and we’ll give you an update.

Step 2
Come in to the Medical Marijuana Doctors of Florida office at your appointed time. ?Fill out the Patient Intake, Medical Questionnaire, Physical Exam, the FLORIDA Application and part of the Physician Statement forms.

?The doctor will evaluate you and prepare your paper-work and application if you qualify.

 What if I already have my documents from the physician/doctor?

Remember: The records need to be current within the past three years and must pertain to your qualifying condition. We only need records from 3 recent visits on your condition. These can be up to three years old.

Remember: Records must be from licensed florida medical doctor .

Remember: Office visits pertaining to chronic condition must have at least 30 days between each visit.

Medical Marijuana Prescribed by licensed Florida Doctors - Serving the Medical Marijuana Community in Volusia County and Flagler County, Florida and throughout the state.

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